Emergency Dental Service in Adelaide
Emergency Dental Services
Broken teeth

If you’ve broken your teeth in an accident, Adelaide Dental Emergency can help. Give us a call at any of our three dental practices and we will assess the damage and restore your teeth so you look your best.

Your teeth can suffer all sorts of problems following an accident, so whether you’ve had a tooth knocked out or chipped, our team can help.
Swollen face

The position of your teeth can sometimes cause your face to swell. If you’re experiencing this problem, please contact our team at Adelaide Dental Emergency to see how we can help.
Broken dentures

If you wear dentures but have broken or chipped them while eating, or because of an accident, please contact Adelaide Dental Emergency, and our team will quickly restore them for you.

Trauma from sporting injuries, fights, falls, or accidents can result in a small tooth chip which, if left untreated, can develop into a much larger chip and a more serious dental problem. This can expose the nerve, causing toothache, or even lead to an entire tooth being knocked out.
Sporting injuries

Adelaide Dental Emergency has been providing emergency dental care in Adelaide for the past 15 years, so we have come across a lot of dental traumas from sporting accidents. With this in mind, we recommend that any patient who plays sports wears a professionally fitted mouth guard. Arrange an appointment with our staff to have a mouth guard properly fitted for maximum protection.
Wisdom teeth

We perform wisdom teeth extractions in the following instances:
• If the tooth is too badly decayed/rotten and is beyond saving
• If root canal treatment has not been successful for an infected tooth
• For impacted wisdom teeth, where there is no room for a tooth or teeth to come out
• If the orthodontist requires the removal of some healthy teeth so that other teeth can be straightened
Orthodontic/braces emergencies

If your bracket has fallen off or an arch wire has become loose and is cutting into your cheeks, it can be very painful. Left untreated for more than a day, this can create ulcers on your cheeks. If your braces are playing up, please contact us at once.
In the meantime, place wax or chewing gum at the broken wire/bracket to relieve the pain, and call us on 0402 479 227.

If you’re suffering from a toothache, the team at Adelaide Dental Emergency can help. Book an appointment today.
Common reasons for toothaches include:
(the toothache can also extend to include earache or headache)
Possible treatments for toothache include:
Avulsed teeth

Our dentists at Adelaide Dental Emergency often come across avulsed teeth, which is when a tooth has been knocked out of the mouth due to trauma. This can be the result of a fight, a sporting accident, a fall, or a number of other circumstances.
If this has happened to you, DO NOT clean the knocked-out tooth by rubbing on the roots. Instead, rinse only under cold water or milk. If the tooth is clean, replant it into the socket, using the neighbouring tooth as a guide, then bite gently on a clean handkerchief to hold it in place, and contact us as soon as possible.
Do not touch the roots - handle the tooth by the crown. Baby or deciduous teeth should not be put back into the socket.Place the tooth in milk and call Adelaide Dental Emergency on 0402479227 ASAP

Call us today on 0402 479 227 for more information about our emergency dental services in Adelaide!
Adelaide Dental Emergency
ABN 55 123 199 888
South Plympton
529 Marion Road,
South Plympton, SA 5038.
Telephone: 0402 479 227
Parafield Gardens
237 Martins Road,
Parafield Gardens,SA 5107.
Telephone: 0402 479 227
3 Hanson Road,
Woodville, SA 5012.
Telephone: 0418 819 861